Crdl- Music Therapeutic Intervention
Music therapist Kimberley Janssen-Bouwmeester at De Zorggroep in North and Central Limburg, published a scientific article stemming from her research thesis into the effects of Crdl. The article published in the Journal for Vocational Therapy (Tijdschrift voor Vaktherapie, December 2020) details a pilot study into the development of a music-therapeutic intervention with the Crdl. The reader is taken through the development process of the intervention by means of a case description.
Co-authors of the article are: Mathilde Akse, MSc, who works as a music therapist at Aafje and Dr. Anna-Eva Prick, neuropsychologist, lecturer in psychology at the Open University, lecturer and researcher at (Kennisontwikkeling Vaktherapieën) at Zuyd Hogeschool and lecturer in the master’s course in vocational therapy Hogeschool Arnhem Nijmegen.